Starting a Blog!

Starting a Blog!

If you’re thinking of starting blogging or recently started your blog, here are some steps to take and some tips to help you get started!
1.     Pick a platform. There are two main sites where you can create your blog if you have not already! WordPress or Blogger, personally Blogger is my favorite because it’s easiest to use for me but you can use either whichever is easiest for you to use is the best one!
2.     Start designing and setting it up. Pick your favorite backgrounds, colors, layout, etc. it’s your blog, you decorate it the way you would like!
3.     Write. What most bloggers and even YouTubers like to do is work ahead. Writing ahead, you can get more done and have posts scheduled and ready to come out. Plus, it makes you feel more organized!
4.     Proofread/edit. Always make sure your grammar and wording is correct, no one wants to read it if it’s messy! Make sure it is neatly worded and all grammar is correct.
5.     Link your blog to all social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. linking will help people find your blog and help gain your audience so people are reading your work!
6.     Share all of your posts. Share on Google plus and all other social media. This will help people find your blog and your posts!
7.     Tell friends and family! They will almost always get curious and check it out. Usually they are the main audience that keeps coming back to your blog also.
8.     Make sure your writing good quality content. If you have good quality posts, people are more likely to read them. People love reading a great post filled with details about the topic. That’s the whole point in the post.
9.     Check weekly at least to make sure that your blog design still looks good and is the way you like it and your audience does.
10.                        Make your design calming. No one wants to look at a blog that’s going to give them a headache from all of the bright neon colors. Pick calming colors, people don’t want a headache if they came to read your content!
11.                        Keep at it. Don’t give up on blogging. It takes time and a lot of patience to build up a blog and get it going. It definitely takes time to build up an audience.
12.                        Work hard at it. Blogging is not that easy of a job. Your constantly writing, updating, publishing, editing, designing, etc. it never stops. The thing is, if you love doing it you’ll keep at it and you’ll reach the top and it will be well worth it! Blogging isn’t as easy as most people make it seem but it is one of my favorite things to do, so I keep at it and I’ve kept at it!
13.                        Patience is key. It takes a lot of time to do things blogging. Writing, scheduling, planning, building up your blog, your posts, your audience, even monetizing your blog, it all takes time. Keep your patience in it all and your faith. It will all work out if you work hard.

14.                        Hard work always pays off. If you work hard on anything, it will always pay off in the end. So keep at it, use these tips, and don’t give up and you’ll be there in what seems like no time! 

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