Fall Morning Routine + My Fall Favorites

Fall Morning Routine.

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Honestly you guys, I just couldn’t resist. Lately, I’ve noticed all of these YouTubers doing a youtober so I figured hey, why not do a blogtober? Blogtober will consist of fall posts every single day of October coming out and this day 1. I know that I’m a bit late but it’ll be okay because I’m getting started now at least. So anyway, first off I wanted to start with my fall morning routine because who doesn’t love a good fall morning routine? Especially a productive one to motivate you a bit! I love watching these on YouTube so I figure it’s time to do it on my blog. Now, let me stop rambling and get into the post. Hope you guys enjoy my first post of this blogging fall series. J

The first thing I love to do any morning whether it be fall or summer or winter whenever I love to grab my phone and just lie there for a minute when I get up and check all of my social media. From Snapchat, Instagram, to Twitter it’s what I love to do and what gives me the time to wake up before I have to physically actually get up. So I’ll just sort of lie there and be lazy and just listen to some music and get on social media and see what happened while I was asleep and what people have been up to. It’s one of my favorite things honestly just to sort of catch up. Then I’ll get on Pinterest and look at fall photos just to get into my fall/cozy vibes because nothing is better than that.

Then after I’ve lied there for about an hour, literally an hour, I’ll get up and go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth which are two things you should always do when you get up. Some morning’s I’ll take a shower but most of the time I like to take showers at night just saves time and energy honestly. But nothing is better than clean teeth and a fresh clean face honestly, especially before putting on your makeup it just makes it feel so much better. Honestly, I think my makeup looks better when I do too.

After I’ve done that I’ll head back to my room make my bed and of course light my fall candles and just sort of tidy up my room a bit because I cannot stand having a messy room. Being clean is everything to me especially before I start doing any work or something during the day. So I just like to tidy up around my room and get it smelling a little more like fall too.

Then, I’ll head into the kitchen and just start making my coffee because who doesn’t love coffee? Plus its ten times better in fall. While I wait for that to finish brewing I’ll usually make myself eat some breakfast which I struggle with in the mornings at times. Most of the time it’s just cereal honestly or peanut butter toast because I get sick of other things pretty fast. Another thing I love having is a bagel in the morning those are pretty good and I don’t usually get sick of those as fast as everything else. Once I’ve made my coffee and food I’ll head back to my room sit and my desk and just scroll through Pinterest and WeHeartIt while I eat breakfast and drink my coffee and still sort of wake up.

Eventually, after I get done eating I’ll take my plate and cup back into the kitchen, wash those and put them away then head back to my room. I usually like to lay out my outfit for the day around this time and then start doing my makeup which is my favorite part of any and every day is doing my makeup and hair. Is it just me or is it just way therapeutic? That, a fall candle burning, and listening to music, is the best and most relaxing part of my day. Then once I’m done you know gotta take selfies for snapchat and Instagram, of course, like always.
After I’m done doing all of that I’ll just clean up my mess because there is usually makeup all over my desk/vanity. Then I’ll just start working on some blog posts or writing a bit for my ebook and planning out my day and figuring out what I need to get done and don’t need to do, etc. Then I’ll just get a bit of work done and just head out the door and usually run some errands or go to the store or something like that and that’s just about it honestly.

So, that was all for this post and I hope you guys enjoyed reading! Also, hope you guys are as excited as I am that I’m blogging again and about this new “Blogtober” series I’ve got going on. And I’m working on an ebook for you guys that should be ready very very soon! I’m really excited about all of this and working way hard on it for you guys. Thank you for reading and check back now daily for Blogtober posts! J

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