10 Simple and Easy Ways to Improve your Blog Posts.

10 Simple and Easy Ways to Improve your Blog Posts.

This is something that a ton of bloggers needs to read because a while ago I needed to read this post. Honestly, I used to make the shortest and sloppiest content. When I would write I would try my best to hurry up and get it done so I could work way ahead and have tons of posts scheduled. That was where I messed up big time and when I finally went back and read my posts I realized how bad it actually was. That was when something ticked in me and I started working ten times harder. So, here are some of the simple and easy ways I came up with so you can improve your blog posts and don’t end up like me!
*affiliate links may be included in this post, I promise I wouldn't send you guys to anything that I didn't recommend myself.*

1.       Write Longer Content.

You’re probably wondering why right? Well, it’s because when your write more content not only does it make the post much better and even look better, it also makes people more likely to read it. Think about it, would you really want to read a post that is only a few sentences and your done reading that entire post in less than 3 minutes? Honestly, I know I don’t like those types of posts. The more content there is, the better the post and also the more information there is inside of the post that can be super helpful for your readers. Try to stick to a goal of 900-1,000+ words per post. Now if it’s a post you honestly can’t come up with that much for, decide if you should really post it and if you feel you should then just try to add as much as you can and add a ton of images to make it look a tad bit better. Down the road, your audience and you will be extremely thankful you took this advice.

2.       Add More Images.

This one's sort of a no brainer. Everyone loves images and loves looking at pictures of examples of what they are reading. Pictures explain things sometimes that words can’t and some people just like seeing things more than reading. That’s why you should add more images and not only that but it makes a post look so much nicer and cleaner. It’s another thing I’ve just recently finally started doing and adding to my posts and trust me you guys, it helps a ton.

3.       Proofread/Edit.

Guys, I’ve said it before and I’m going to say it again. Please, please, please do not forget to proofread and edit your posts before hitting that publish button. Not one person likes to go to a post that they cannot even read nor understand because of how bad grammar and punctuation is. Plus, if you have one of those type of posts where it’s just a few words, they are all misspelled, and you have not one single image in that post, people are going to turn right back around and leave your site! No blogger wants this to happen to them but you guys it’s going to happen to you if you don’t edit and proofread those posts before you hit the publish button. My best pal for doing this? Grammarly. You can add it to chrome extensions and every time I go to post, it lets me know if anything is wrong with it before I hit that publish button. Honestly, it’s a life saver.

4.       Add Labels.

Adding those labels to your post is going to make things so much easier for you and your audience. When you have labels in your post you’re already letting your audience know the topics they are going to be reading about. This leads them to want to read your post more because it’s not some random post with nothing at all showing what it’s about. Labels are extremely helpful for organizing and categorizing your post to what is where sections. This will help your readers get to where they would like to in the post maybe if they want to reread a part or anything related to that.

5.       Add a Search Description.

If you’re like me and work on Blogger, there is a search description option in the list on the right-hand side. Adding a search description is going to help readers know what they are reading all about and when they search your post it will let them see what they are about to read before they even do so they can see if it’s interesting to them or not. If you write a really interesting search description and sort of lengthy then you’re more than likely to have those people click on your post.

6.       Sharing on Social Media.

Now I’m sure you already do this or know to do this, especially if you’ve been blogging for a while. Sharing on social media platforms like Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, even Tumblr, are great ways to get traffic to your site. One thing about blogging, you have to put your posts out there to be seen so people can find them. If they aren’t then they can’t ever find you so I definitely recommend using social media. Pinterest is my favorite for blogging because there are so many other bloggers on this platform. Not only that but Pinterest is made for creative things from DIY’s to recipes to blogging tips and anything else you can think of you can find it on Pinterest. That and Facebook groups are probably my number one source of traffic to my site. Sharing is going to help so much more people find you and your posts. Make sure you have the right images for this too, my favorite for this is Canva.

7.       Working on SEO.

For those of you who don’t have a clue what SEO is yet, it stands for search engine optimization. This is the key to where your traffic comes from and how easily people find your site. There are a billion resources online that can tell you all about SEO and how to use it on your site to get more people to read your posts and check out your blog at the same time! Also, you can check out my favorite book on SEO here.

So that is all of the ways I have for you to improve your blog posts and how you can also get more people to your posts. Also, here is my FAVORITE blogging planner on the planet to help you build a complete year of killer content. Hope you guys enjoyed reading and that my advice was helpful to you in the ways you needed. Thanks for reading you guys!

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