The Ultimate List of What Should Really be in Your Gym Bag

The Ultimate List of What Should Really be in Your Gym Bag

list of what should be in your gym bag
I know I have been to the gym a thousand times and realized I had forgotten something or packed something that was just a complete waste of space and it really annoyed me at how many times I would do this! The majority of the time I would actually just over pack my bag and then it would be way too annoying, bulky, or heavy to even carry into the gym honestly or I would try to find something only to have to dig forever it seemed like and then realize I left it and had to head back home. If I headed back home, I would never go back to the gym I would just say that I would go the next day or some other lame excuse because really I used all of my energy going back home!
list of what should be in your gym bag

So, have you ever been to the gym and realized you forgot something? Or maybe you just under packed or over packed and just forgot or brought way too much. This happens to honestly everyone. Which is why I’m bringing you this post for the ultimate list of what should REALLY be in your gym bag. Stop bringing unnecessary items or not enough and ending up having to go back home to get it!

1.     Extra set of clothes.

2.     Headphones.

3.     Reusable water bottle.

4.     Phone or iPod.

5.     Shampoo and body wash. (if you shower at the gym)

6.     Towel.

7.     Lotion or moisturizer.

8.     Hairbrush or comb.

9.     Socks or extra set of shoes. (sandals or something small)

10.  Makeup necessities. (not too many)

11.  Bobby pins and pony tail holders.

12.  Deodorant!

13.  Wallet.

14.  Your keys. (Duh!)

15.  Apple watch or fit bit. (if you use one)

16.  Pre-workout. (if you use any)

17.  An extra sports bra. (you never know)

18.  Headband.

19.  Shaker bottle.

20.  Protein bar. (in case you get hungry right after or before a workout)

21.  Hand sanitizer.

22.  Dry shampoo.

23.  Makeup wipes.

24.  Yoga mat.

So that was the list you guys!! Hope you all enjoyed reading and hopefully this list was helpful to you and helps you to pack what you really need and not what you don’t! Love you guys to the moon and back!

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