Nighttime Skincare Routine

Nighttime Skincare Routine
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nighttime skincare routine

One thing I haven’t shared in a while is a good skincare routine. Honestly, I can’t even explain why I think it’s just because I had fallen off from doing routine posts. Anyways, here we are with my updated nighttime skincare routine. Normally, my skincare routine is pretty simple and quick because I get really tired after I shower at night and am so ready to lie down, but I do like to take a little time out of my night to just really take care of my skin. So, if you want to know my nighttime skincare routine, just keep reading. 

- So the first thing I like to do is just take off all of my makeup. It’s one of the worst but also best feelings, am I right? 

- Once I’ve gotten all of my makeup off I usually hop in the shower so I can wash my body and face off really well. Normally I only wash my hair every 2-3 days because washing it every single day is terrible for your hair, or so I’ve heard. 

- After I hop out of the shower I pat dry and pat my face dry. You don’t want to rub because it can cause premature wrinkles, and we don’t want to cause those! Try to be careful with your skin it’s pretty fragile after a hot shower. 

- Then while my face is still a little damp if I’m in the mood for it I’ll do a good face mask to get my skin clean, clear, and glowy. 

- After that’s been on my face for about a good 10-15 minutes I’ll rinse or peel it off with some warm water. 

- Then I’ll go ahead and put on my moisturizer and under eye cream. 

- After that, I just throw on some Carmex for my lips, because they are important too.

- Once I finish putting that on, I’m done! Quick and easy and super simple to do. 

So that was all for this post and I really hope you all enjoyed reading! Take care of your skin and think of it this way, in all honesty, it really is what holds you together. Check back soon for more routines, beauty posts, lifestyle posts, wellness posts, and more! 

Pin it for later! 
nighttime skincare routine

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