Summer Bucket List 2018

Summer Bucket List 2018

summer bucket list 2018

We all love summer bucket lists as much as fall right? I figured, well why not post one! If you like to read these as much as I do, just keep reading! 

- Hit an amusement park! Six Flags, Disney, I don’t care one or the other I seriously need some roller coaster and drop tower therapy. Adrenaline rushes are my therapy. 

- Road trip. Even if it’s just 2 hours to New Orleans or the Coast I just want to get out and have fun this summer which is something I haven’t done in a while. Plus, who doesn’t love a good road trip?

- Go to the beach, and I mean a lot. The thing I didn’t do last year near enough was go to the beach so that’s definitely something that I just really want to do a ton this summer!

- Have a bonfire or go to one. Just me, a few friends and family, some booze, and a good time full of stories, life updates, and fun. 

- Go on a picnic, me and babe, a blanket, some lemonade, something cute and picnic like to eat, some fruit, and just sit out there on a good sunny day and eat together and relax a bit. 

- Buy more flowers. One thing I don’t have in my house right now is flowers like what so ever, and I would LOVE to have some cute summery bright colored flowers and plants in my house. 

- Do some yoga outdoors. I mean, I’m kind of worried about how people will view me or look at me especially in my neighborhood but it’s just something I really want to try. 

- Eat a ton of watermelon. What’s better than watermelon in the summertime? That and pineapple literally nothing is better in summer. 

- Go swimming more often. Last summer, I got to swim once at a waterpark in New Mexico which was way fun, I’ll admit. In all honesty, though, I wish I would have more but this summer that is definitely something I want to do more of. 

Hopefully, I can complete all of these by the end of summer or at least the beginning of August and if so, I’ll feel pretty good about this summer. 2018 I’m ready for you. 

summer bucket list 2018

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